Patient Stories

Stella Campbell’s Story: ‘I spend a lot of my time in the sun’

Stella Campbell in pink smiles brightly while holding a bat, enjoying a sunny day outdoors
MoleMap Team
February 24, 2023
5 minutes

Crick­et and long days out in the sun go hand-in-hand. But young Syd­ney Six­ers star Stel­la Camp­bell wasn’t about to let her skin can­cer risk hit her for six. That’s why she decid­ed to keep her skin in check and vis­it us for Full Body MoleMap.

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‘I spend a lot of my time in the sun’

Stel­la grew up play­ing crick­et from a young age and signed her first deal with the Wom­en’s Big Bash League at just 16 years old. Since then, she’s been mak­ing her mark in the crick­et world with sev­er­al domes­tic sea­sons under her belt.

“As a crick­eter, I spend a lot of my time in the sun which means I have to be super care­ful when it comes to pro­tect­ing my skin,” wrote Stel­la in an Insta­gram post in April 2022.

Out­side of crick­et, Stel­la also loves head­ing down to the beach and play­ing golf. But even though she’s always sun smart, she knows that liv­ing such an active out­door lifestyle comes with increased sun expo­sure and a high­er risk of sun dam­age and skin cancer.

“That’s why I always wear sun­screen every day,” Stel­la told us when dis­cussing her sun pro­tec­tion rou­tine, ​“I also try to make sure I’m in the shade as much as pos­si­ble, cov­er­ing up my neck and shoul­ders and wear­ing a hat and sunglasses.”

While her sun safe­ty rou­tine is already in top shape, Stel­la want­ed to add anoth­er lay­er of pro­tec­tion for her own peace of mind. So, she decid­ed to get her skin checked with a Full Body MoleMap.

Patient story Stella Campbell 2

A sticky wick­et: How Stel­la over­came her skin check worries

Like many of our patients, Stel­la felt a lit­tle anx­ious before attend­ing her Full Body MoleMap appoint­ment. After all, it can be quite a daunt­ing expe­ri­ence to have all your spots checked and doc­u­ment­ed for the first time. It’s nor­mal to feel ner­vous or wor­ried about the unknown. But thank­ful­ly, our melanog­ra­phers are pro­fes­sion­als at putting your mind at ease.

“I was a lit­tle ner­vous head­ing in, how­ev­er, the melanog­ra­ph­er made me feel super relaxed through­out the process and answered any ques­tions I had,” wrote Stel­la in an Insta­gram post in March 2022.

“I had a head-to-toe skin check with the melanog­ra­ph­er,” she added, ​“This includ­ed check­ing (the moles and lesions) on my entire body. Part two of my check-up con­sist­ed of a com­plete pho­to­graph­ic record.”

“A Full Body MoleMap cre­ates a map of the moles and lesions on your skin so at your next rou­tine check-up, the melanog­ra­ph­er is able to spot any changes in your skin from one year to the next,” wrote Stella.

“I found the whole process extreme­ly pro­fes­sion­al,” Stel­la told us, ​“The melanog­ra­ph­er made me aware of the whole process so I under­stood what was hap­pen­ing which was very reas­sur­ing … I felt real­ly com­fort­able and relaxed through­out the whole appointment.”

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Don’t get caught out — check your skin regularly

Stel­la was glad to report that her Full Body MoleMap results came back all clear. But she knows her skin can­cer pre­ven­tion jour­ney doesn’t stop there.

Reg­u­lar mole checks are very impor­tant as they are the only way to guar­an­tee ear­ly detec­tion and most skin can­cers are treat­able if they are dis­cov­ered ear­ly enough.

“I’m 3 months on from my Full Body MoleMap … so it’s time to do a self-check at home!” wrote Stel­la in an Insta­gram post in May 2022.

“MoleMap rec­om­mends check­ing your skin every 3 months,” she added, ​“If you have trou­ble remem­ber­ing this, check­ing with the sea­sons (i.e. the first day of sum­mer, autumn, win­ter and spring) is a great way to keep on it!”

Now, Stel­la is com­mit­ted to keep­ing a close eye on her skin health with reg­u­lar self-checks and annu­al skin checks — and is pas­sion­ate about encour­ag­ing oth­er young peo­ple to do the same.

“Your skin nev­er stops chang­ing, so keep check­ing it!”

MoleMap Team

At MoleMap we check, detect and treat skin cancer. Find out how you can protect your skin at your nearest MoleMap skin cancer clinic.

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MoleMap specialises in skin cancer detection, diagnosis, proactive monitoring and treatment. Want the best protection against melanoma and other skin cancers? Get your skin and moles checked early and often at a MoleMap skin cancer clinic.