
Terms and Conditions

For payment

Contract to purchase

When you sub­mit an online book­ing request for our ser­vices offered by MoleMap Aus­tralia Pty Ltd (ABN 99 116 131 929) on this web­site you enter into a con­tract to pur­chase the Prod­uct accord­ing to the terms and con­di­tions below.

Pay­ment methods

MoleMap accepts these pay­ment methods:

  • Cred­it Cards: Mas­ter­Card and Visa
  • Deb­it Cards

Oth­er pay­ment meth­ods may be pos­si­ble but you need to be arrange this with MoleMap before your appointment.

Secu­ri­ty and confidentiality

MoleMap makes every effort to keep your infor­ma­tion secure. We do not per­ma­nent­ly store any cred­it card infor­ma­tion on our sys­tems or in paper format.


The price payable for the Prod­uct is con­firmed fol­low­ing your book­ing request via con­fir­ma­tion let­ter or email. Prices are in Aus­tralian dol­lars (AUD), and our ser­vices do not car­ry GST unless pur­chased by a business.

MoleMap reserves the right to change the price with­out notice, so long as the price is agreed to by both par­ties before the com­ple­tion of the appointment.

Refund pol­i­cy

Molemap may ask for pre-pay­ment for its appoint­ments. Your pay­ment is refund­able if you can­cel 48 busi­ness hours or more before your appoint­ment time.

Events beyond our control

MoleMap will not be liable for any fail­ure, or delay in pro­vid­ing the Ser­vice in the event or cir­cum­stance beyond our rea­son­able con­trol. Includ­ing but not lim­it­ed to sys­tems or net­work access issues, hard­ware fail­ure, or logis­ti­cal issues. How­ev­er, we will make every effort to fix the fault or issue as quick­ly as pos­si­ble or arrange anoth­er appoint­ment date once the issues have been fixed.


We may vary our terms and con­di­tions at any time, by pub­lish­ing new terms and con­di­tions on this web­site. Any book­ings made after this time are sub­ject to the new terms and conditions.

Spe­cial offers

From time to time MoleMap may offer spe­cial offers like the chance to win a gift card or vouch­er, or receive dis­counts. These are for a lim­it­ed time only and the time frame of the pro­mo­tion is stat­ed with­in the offer. Spe­cial offers are sub­ject to change with­out notice and can­not be used in con­junc­tion with anoth­er offer. Peo­ple that are eli­gi­ble to apply for the offer is stat­ed in the pro­mo­tion — it could be avail­able to new patients or return­ing patients only. You may be asked to use a pro­mo code to receive an offer — please state the pro­mo code when book­ing online or over the phone. If the pro­mo code is not used at the time of book­ing we can­not guar­an­tee the dis­count will be applied to your booking.

First Respon­ders – 25% off any MoleMap service.

  • MoleMap appoint­ments can be booked online at or by phon­ing 1800 665 362: using pro­mocode FRONTLINE25
  • The pro­mocode FRONTLINE25 will enti­tle you to 25% off any MoleMap service.
  • This offer can­not be used in con­junc­tion with any oth­er pro­mo­tion or retrospectively.
  • Evi­dence of exist­ing sta­tus as a first respon­der must be shown at the time of appointment.
  • A first respon­der is deemed to be a per­son employed or vol­un­teer­ing with­in a front­line occu­pa­tion such as fire brigade, ambu­lance, hos­pi­tal, SES, police, surf life sav­ing, coast­guard or similar.
  • This offer is valid for MoleMap clin­ics only, sub­ject to availability.
  • MoleMap reserves the right to amend these terms and con­di­tions in any way.