Patient Stories

Jacinta ‘Jay’ Lal’s Story: ‘It’s better to be safe than sorry’

Jacinta ‘Jay’ Lal enjoys a sunny day on a boat, wearing sunglasses and a bikini
MoleMap Team
January 24, 2023
5 minutes

Jac­in­ta ​‘Jay’ Lal is prob­a­bly most recog­nised from her appear­ance on The Bach­e­lor Aus­tralia in 2021. And while she may not have won her Bach­e­lor Jimmy’s heart, the​New Zealand-born nutritionist’s life is still com­ing up roses.

Hav­ing launched her own lifestyle well­ness pro­gram, Jay Rose Well­ness, in Jan­u­ary 2022, Jay is no stranger to help­ing peo­ple get proac­tive about their health. But after years spent beach-hop­ping both at home in Aus­tralia and abroad, the self-pro­claimed sun-chas­er decid­ed it was time to put her own health first and book in a Full Body MoleMap.

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‘I wouldn’t say I have always been sun smart…’

“Those who know me, know I’m a sun chas­er from WAY back! I just feel hap­pi­er when I’m in the sun!” wrote Jay in an Insta­gram post on Sep­tem­ber 6.

Patient story Jacinta 2

While Jay admit­ted that she wasn’t always so vig­i­lant about sun pro­tec­tion in the past, she remind­ed her fol­low­ers of the dan­gers of sun expo­sure and urged them to be respon­si­ble when out enjoy­ing the sun.

“We all know that we need to be care­ful… The sun can have dam­ag­ing effects on our skin,” Jay cautioned.

“If you’re like me and find it hard to avoid the sun, it’s impor­tant to be smart about it. Along with the obvi­ous Slip, Slop, Slap and Wrap … Believe it or not, there is more you can do to pro­tect your­self,” Jay wrote.

One of the best ways to do just that is to get reg­u­lar skin checks by a pro­fes­sion­al melanog­ra­ph­er or der­ma­tol­o­gist. So, in Sep­tem­ber 2022, Jay decid­ed it was time to get a clear pic­ture of her skin health by vis­it­ing MoleMap skin cancer clinic for a Full Body Mole Map.

“I’m not going to lie, I was SO ner­vous going into [my Full Body MoleMap] appoint­ment because I would­n’t say I have always been sun smart,” she revealed.

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‘The ear­li­er the detec­tion, the bet­ter chance of beat­ing it’

Although she was anx­ious about her first Full Body MoleMap appoint­ment, Jay took the plunge and final­ly put her sun-kissed skin under the micro­scope (or dermascope).

“The melanog­ra­ph­er exam­ined all of my moles, took pho­tos and mapped them out. She then told me a der­ma­tol­o­gist would care­ful­ly exam­ine the pho­tos of my moles and let me know if there were any I need­ed to be cau­tious of,” wrote Jay.

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“MoleMap’s proven skin-map­ping is designed to detect skin can­cers such as melanoma ear­ly. This is so impor­tant because the ear­li­er the detec­tion, the bet­ter chance you have of beat­ing it,” wrote Jay.

Thank­ful­ly, Jay’s anx­i­ety about her appoint­ment soon turned to peace of mind when she received her results a few days later.

“I got my results dig­i­tal­ly in a cou­ple of days and all was clear (to my relief),” she added.

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Jay now enjoys the sun safe­ly and keeps an eye on her skin with self-checks

At MoleMap, we rec­om­mend doing self checks at home every 3 months to mon­i­tor your skin for any changes.

“Now that I have my moles mapped out, it will make it eas­i­er to iden­ti­fy changes and new moles so I can keep an eye out for any­thing that might be alarm­ing,” wrote Jay.

MoleMap Team

At MoleMap we check, detect and treat skin cancer. Find out how you can protect your skin at your nearest MoleMap skin cancer clinic.

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MoleMap specialises in skin cancer detection, diagnosis, proactive monitoring and treatment. Want the best protection against melanoma and other skin cancers? Get your skin and moles checked early and often at a MoleMap skin cancer clinic.