Patient Stories

Rebecca Little’s Story: “In my early teens, I was reckless with my skin and sun exposure…”

A woman dressed in a white robe observes her reflection
MoleMap Team
October 25, 2022
5 minutes

As a wife, mum and busi­ness own­er, the every­day chaos of life meant Rebec­ca Lit­tle had put off get­ting her skin checked for a long time. It’s a famil­iar sit­u­a­tion for many peo­ple try­ing to jug­gle work, home and fam­i­ly life.

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A full body check from head-to-toe (lit­er­al­ly)

Rebec­ca Lit­tle is the founder of Lit­tle Miss Peri­od, an Aussie busi­ness aimed at empow­er­ing and sup­port­ing young girls and women with peri­od care, and also man­ages an Insta­gram account with more than 48.9K fol­low­ers. With her hus­band, Dion, and three lit­tle girls, includ­ing twins, added to the mix, Rebec­ca is cer­tain­ly kept on her toes.

But in May this year, Rebec­ca made the deci­sion to put her health first and head to MoleMap skin cancer clinic for her first Full Body MoleMap. She doc­u­ment­ed her expe­ri­ence on Insta­gram to raise aware­ness of the impor­tance of ear­ly detec­tion and pre­ven­tion of skin can­cer among her followers.

Rebec­ca shared this video to her Insta­gram account in May, show­ing the whole Full Body MoleMap process from start to finish.

‘Reck­less’ sun exposure

While she takes sun safe­ty seri­ous­ly now, Rebec­ca admit­ted that she wasn’t always care­ful when out and about in the sun.

“In my ear­ly teens, I was reck­less with my skin and sun expo­sure… It was fash­ion­able to bake in the sun. I remem­ber one par­tic­u­lar day, there was 4 of us, 16 years olds, on the front of our cruis­er boat on a 48 degrees day, telling our par­ents we had put sun­screen on… when we didn’t. We all had ter­ri­ble burns and we were in pain for weeks. I actu­al­ly had to go to hos­pi­tal my burns were so bad on my stom­ach. It’s hon­est­ly all I could think about dur­ing the MoleMap appoint­ment,” she wrote in an Insta­gram post in June.

Patient story Rebecca Little2 beach

But get­ting her skin checked by MoleMap gave her the peace of mind she needed.

“On the day of my [Full Body MoleMap], the melanog­ra­ph­er was con­fi­dent that the moles and lesions I had were per­fect­ly fine. About a week lat­er, this was then con­firmed with a Der­ma­tol­o­gist report. Ahh… the relief.”

Patient story Rebecca Little 3 check

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How Rebec­ca is keep­ing her skin in check

Three months after her ini­tial Full Body MoleMap, Rebec­ca did a self-check at home and will con­tin­ue to do so reg­u­lar­ly until her next pro­fes­sion­al skin check. In an Insta­gram post, she offered some tips on how to remem­ber reg­u­lar checks at home.

“If you have trou­ble remem­ber­ing when to check your skin, go with the sea­sons, i.e. 1st day of sum­mer, autumn, win­ter, and spring is a great way to keep on it!”

Patient story Rebecca Little 4 home

Before get­ting her skin checked with MoleMap, Rebec­ca was unaware a new mole had appeared on her foot. This is why it’s so impor­tant to not only do reg­u­lar self-checks, but also book in with a pro­fes­sion­al for a com­plete check of your skin — espe­cial­ly in places you may not think to look, like on the feet or between the toes.

“I had no idea about this mole that had appeared on my foot until MoleMap dis­cov­ered it! It’s fine.… but I’m keep­ing a close eye on it now!”

Patient story Rebecca Little 5 foot

‘What a dif­fer­ence ear­ly detec­tion can make!’

Ear­ly detec­tion is key when it comes to melanomas and oth­er types of skin can­cers. Since Rebec­ca shared her Full Body MoleMap expe­ri­ence, she’s had a num­ber of peo­ple tell her they have booked in for a skin check.

“I know lots of you have had appoint­ments… I’ve even had 2 peo­ple write to me and say that they’ve had a melanoma detect­ed and removed… All because of a lit­tle nudge from me to get their skin checked. What a dif­fer­ence ear­ly detec­tion can make!”

Rebec­ca hopes her sto­ry will encour­age more peo­ple to get proac­tive about their skin health and have their skin pro­fes­sion­al­ly checked.

“I hope my sto­ry and my eager­ness to get my skin checked has encour­aged you to do the same. If you have a spare hour in your week… I urge you to book a skin check in,” she wrote on Instagram.

“I want you to take a moment to think about the last time you gave your skin a thor­ough check. Please make it a pri­or­i­ty,” she urged.

MoleMap Team

At MoleMap we check, detect and treat skin cancer. Find out how you can protect your skin at your nearest MoleMap skin cancer clinic.

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MoleMap specialises in skin cancer detection, diagnosis, proactive monitoring and treatment. Want the best protection against melanoma and other skin cancers? Get your skin and moles checked early and often at a MoleMap skin cancer clinic.